Uber Accident Attorney

Hire an Uber Accident Attorney to Help Maximize Your Financial Recovery

Like it or not, Uber has become a mainstay for transportation. Across the globe, more than 40 million rides are shared through Uber in an average month. With such a high number of Uber rides taking place, it is inevitable that there will be accidents.

What happens if you are taking an Uber and the driver gets into an accident? What happens if you are driving and get into an accident with an Uber driver?

The experienced Uber Accident Attorneys at Bellum Law Group will guide you through the complicated process of obtaining recovery from your Uber Accident claim.

There Are Three Rideshare Periods to Know About

One of the first questions that often comes up with an Uber Accident is whose insurance policy applies – Uber’s insurance or the driver’s insurance? There are three rideshare periods in California, and which insurance company is liable will depend on which rideshare period the driver was in at the time of the accident.

Period One

During this period, the driver is “active” with the app open and is waiting to be matched with a passenger. If an accident occurs during this period, Uber must provide the driver with the following coverage: $50,000 for bodily injury per person per accident, $100,000 for bodily injury total per accident, and $30,000 for property damage liability.

Period Two

The driver has accepted a ride during this period, but has not yet picked up their passenger. This period includes the time that it takes to drive to the passenger’s pickup location. Uber is required to provide $1 million in commercial insurance coverage for this period and $1 million to cover against uninsured/underinsured motorists.

Period Three

During this period, there is a rideshare passenger in the vehicle. Again, Uber is required to provide $1 million in commercial insurance coverage, as well as another $1 million to cover against uninsured/underinsured motorists. This coverage begins when the passenger enters the vehicle and continues until they exit the vehicle.

You Should Hire an Uber Accident Attorney if You Are Injured in an Accident Involving an Uber Driver

If you have suffered an injury as a result of an accident with an Uber driver, as a passenger in an Uber, or as an Uber driver, you should contact an Uber Accident Attorney at Bellum Law Group right away. Our attorneys understand the complexities of Uber insurance policies and will help you seek compensation for your medical bills, trauma, lost wages, and emotional distress. Call (888) 223-5586 now for your free legal consultation.

Consultations are always FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. So, if you or a loved one has a defective vehicle, has been injured, or has damage to their property, CALL US NOW
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